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In each category of membership, 2 membership options are available –

  1. Full Membership
    1. full access to all facilities
    2. entrance fee equivalent to the annual subscription is payable
    3. membership must be proposed and/or seconded by current club member
    4. member may attend club general meetings and hold a club office
  2. Participating Social Membership
    1. access to all facilities, except may not participate in equestrian sports offered incl. polo, hunt etc.
    2. no entrance fee is due
    3. membership need not be proposed and/or seconded by current club member
    4. member may not attend general meetings or hold a club office

When submitting an enquiry for membership, please indicate in the ‘message’ box if your application is for Full membership or Participating Social Membership.

Ordinary Membership

31 – 65 Years

Special Senior Membership

65+ Years

Intermediate Membership

21 – 30 Years

Junior Membership

16 – 20 Years

Country Membership

resident +80kms outside of club

Overseas Membership

resident outside of South Africa

Corporate Membership

5 or more people from the same company

For further information on membership, please contact the Club Secretary, Pauline Butler on pbutler